Happy Like Buddha Podcast with Adewale Adejumo is a personal growth podcast with a mission to teach wisdom and transformational thoughts that you will not learn in school. Happy Like Buddha brings you the greatest and best entrepreneurs and personal growth Mentors on the planet, and they'll be sharing the best ideas on personal growth for mind, body, spirit and work.

Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
In today's Happy Like Buddha Podcast, Adewale is joined by Arthur Attwell, the Co-founder of Electric Book Works, Book Dash, BetterCare, and the Host of How Books Are Made Podcast (a podcast about the art and science of making books).
In this interview, Adewale Adejumo and Arthur Attwell take a dive deep into 'How to write and publish a best selling book in South Africa'.
Listen to learn:
- How and why to write a book.
- How to find the right publisher for your book type?
- What it costs to write and successfully publish.
- How much money writers make on average.
- How to research which book cover will help you sell.
- How to research book titles to sell more books.
- What is a South African best seller?
- And much more!
If you would like to learn more about how books are made, go to: https://howbooksaremade.com/.
If you want to get the scale of web publishing, the convenience of ebooks, and the gravitas of print, all from one expert team, go to: https://electricbookworks.com/
If you haven't yet subscribed to Happy Like Buddha Podcast, click the "FOLLOW" button so that you don't miss any future episodes. Please Review us and Subscribe to our Podcast on Apple and Spotify. Tag me @therealwaleadejumo on Instagram and @waleadejumo on Twitter too!
Dropstore sponsored this episode. Dropstore helps you launch an eCommerce Business Fast and Easy. Visit: www.dropstore.co.za

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Listen to this Happy Like Buddha episode with Adewale Adejumo on 8 Tactics for switching from having a scarcity mindset and cultivating an abundance mindset.
Eight Tactics for Switching to Abundance and Cultivating It:
- Have Appreciative Conversations.
- Organize Your Home and Your Life.
- Reduce Your Media Consumption.
- Share What You Have With Others.
- Try to Create “Win-Win” Situations.
- Look for Positives in Every Loss.
- Stop Comparing Yourself to Others.
- Keep a Gratitude Journal.
If you haven't yet subscribed to Happy Like Buddha Podcast, click the "FOLLOW" button so that you don't miss any future episodes. Please Review us and Subscribe to our Podcast on Apple and Spotify. Tag me @therealwaleadejumo on Instagram and @waleadejumo on Twitter too!
Dropstore sponsored this episode. Dropstore helps you launch an eCommerce Business Fast and Easy. Visit: www.dropstore.co.za

Monday Jun 07, 2021
Poloko Mmakgolane On How It Is Your Responsibilty To Make A Difference
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
In today's Happy Like Buddha Podcast, Adewale is joined by the author of "HOW CAN I MAKE A DIFFERENCE?" and content creator. We are thrilled to welcome Poloko Mmakgolane to the Happy Like Buddha Podcast.
In this interview, Adewale Adejumo and Poloko Mmakgolane take a dive deep into:
- Responsibility.
- How you can make a difference.
- How those who have more, have a responsibility to do more.
- Talked about individuals with high power and influence.
- How all of us have a responsibility to pull our weight in some kind of way.
If you would like to get your hands on Poloko Mmakgolane's book, you can order through his website at polokommakgolane.com/shop. You can also find Poloko Mmakgolane on Social Media at the following link. Poloko Mmakgolane Socials.
If you haven't yet subscribed to Happy Like Buddha Podcast, click the "FOLLOW" button so that you don't miss any future episodes. Please Review us and Subscribe to our Podcast on Apple and Spotify. Tag me @therealwaleadejumo on Instagram and @waleadejumo on Twitter too!
Dropstore sponsored this episode. Dropstore helps you launch an eCommerce Business Fast and Easy. Visit: www.dropstore.co.za

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Listen to this Happy Like Buddha episode with Adewale Adejumo on how you can apply the Hawaiian zen concept (Ho'oponopono) of insight for finding forgiveness, healing your relationship and heal karma.
If you haven't yet subscribed to Happy Like Buddha Podcast, click the "FOLLOW" button so that you don't miss any future episodes. Please Review us and Subscribe to our Podcast on Apple and Spotify. Tag me @therealwaleadejumo on Instagram and @waleadejumo on Twitter too!
Dropstore sponsored this episode. Dropstore helps you launch an eCommerce Business Fast and Easy. Visit: www.dropstore.co.za

Monday May 24, 2021
8 Ways To Break The Habit of Comparing Yourself To Others
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Comparing ourselves to others is something that we unfortunately do, this is because it comes naturally to us. We like to compare ourselves to others when it comes to possessions, looks, qualification, professional success, sometimes even relationships and Oftentimes when we compare ourselves to others, we are not comparing our strengths to their strengths, but we comparing their strengths to our weaknesses, and sometimes their 80% to our 40%. How can you feel good about yourself?
Listen to this Happy Like Buddha episode with Adewale Adejumo on 8 ways to break the habit of comparing yourself to others and why comparing yourself to others is the worst thing you can do for your happiness and success.
If you haven't yet subscribed to Happy Like Buddha Podcast, click the "FOLLOW" button so that you don't miss any future episodes. Please Review us and Subscribe to our Podcast on Apple and Spotify. Tag me @therealwaleadejumo on Instagram and @waleadejumo on Twitter too!
Dropstore sponsored this episode. Dropstore helps you launch an eCommerce Business Fast and Easy. Visit: www.dropstore.co.za

Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
"Your limiting belief is your brain trying to save energy instead of trying to overcome your hard wiring"
In this Happy Like Buddha Episode, Adewale Adejumo is joined by a Neuro-Science based coach CD Kotze to talk about the effect of neuro-science based coaching on work, success and life. They took a dive into the effect it has on shifting mindsets and how it helps to get rid of limiting beliefs.. They further discussed the impact of neuro-based coaching on changing and transforming reality.
If you haven't yet subscribed to Happy Like Buddha Podcast, click the "FOLLOW" button so that you don't miss any future episodes. Please Review us and Subscribe to our Podcast on Apple and Spotify. Tag me @therealwaleadejumo on Instagram and @waleadejumo on Twitter too!
Dropstore sponsored this episode. Dropstore helps you launch an eCommerce Business Fast and Easy. Visit: www.dropstore.co.za

Monday May 10, 2021
Extraordinary Principles For Living A Happy Life - Adewale Adejumo
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Listen to this Happy Like Buddha episode with Adewale Adejumo on extraordinary principles for the mind, body, spirit, your aspirations and for living a happy life.
If you haven't yet subscribed to Happy Like Buddha Podcast, click the "FOLLOW" button so that you don't miss any future episodes. Please Review us and Subscribe to our Podcast on Apple and Spotify. Tag me @therealwaleadejumo on Instagram and @waleadejumo on Twitter too!
Dropstore sponsored this episode. Dropstore helps you launch an eCommerce Business Fast and Easy. Visit: www.dropstore.co

Monday May 03, 2021
How To Really Take Responsibility To Build A Better Life - Adewale Adejumo
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
"The first step to changing your life is by taking responsibility for your reality."
Listen to this Happy Like Buddha episode with Adewale Adejumo to what taking responsibility for your life truly means and how to take responsibility to build a better and happier life.
If you haven't yet subscribed to Happy Like Buddha Podcast, click the "FOLLOW" button so that you don't miss any future episodes. Please Review us and Subscribe to our Podcast on Apple and Spotify. Tag me @therealwaleadejumo on Instagram and @waleadejumo on Twitter too!
Dropstore sponsored this episode. Dropstore helps you launch an eCommerce Business Fast and Easy. Visit: www.dropstore.co.za

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Why You Are A People Pleaser And How To Stop It.
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Do you confuse being a people pleaser as kindness? This may stem from your lack of self-confidence - driven by fear. The fear of not being liked, the fear of hurting others, the fear of disappointing others and the fear of being seen as unkind and selfish. Does this fear trigger you to act in a way that moulds your behaviour to the expectations others have of you? Being a people pleaser is a draining behaviour and is very exhausting.
How do you stop going out of your way and being too nice to others at the expense of your happiness and mental health?
Listen to this Happy Like Buddha episode with Adewale Adejumo to learn why you are a people pleaser and how to stop it.
If you haven't yet subscribed to Happy Like Buddha Podcast, click the "FOLLOW" button so that you don't miss any future episodes. Please Review us and Subscribe to our Podcast on Apple and Spotify. Tag me @therealwaleadejumo on Instagram and @waleadejumo on Twitter too!
Dropstore sponsored this episode. Dropstore helps you launch an eCommerce Business Fast and Easy. Visit: www.dropstore.co.za

Monday Apr 19, 2021
20 Habits You Should Quit If You Want To Be A Millionaire Faster
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
In this Happy Like Buddha episode, Adewale Adejumo shared 20 habits you should abandon and quit if you intend of becoming a millionaire.
If you haven't yet subscribed to Happy Like Buddha Podcast, click the "FOLLOW" button so that you don't miss any future episodes. Please Review us and Subscribe to our Podcast on Apple and Spotify. Tag me @therealwaleadejumo on Instagram and @waleadejumo on Twitter too!
Dropstore sponsored this episode. Dropstore helps you launch an eCommerce Business Fast and Easy. Visit: www.dropstore.co.za